
This website contains my blogs related to topics in Artificial Intelligence Machine Leanring, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, React Native and Full stack development.

I am a life long learner. Apart from overseeing successful ventures and providing growth mentoring to startups, I also like to keep myself updated with latest trends in technology. Over last decade I have skilled myself up in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Science and Cloud Computing. I am now working on multiple startups offering a varied range of AI driven SaaS products.

I have co-founded following ventures:

  1. www.soais.com - Board member and Founder - An enterprise IT services company focussed on Oracle, RPA and Test Automation.

  2. www.zipperHQ.com - Co-founder, CTO & Chief Data Scientist - AI driven video messaging solution that helps your message stand out in crowded inboxes and newsfeeds.

  3. www.zipperagent.com - Co-founder, CTO & Chief Data Scientist - AI driven all-in-one CRM and Marketing Automation software for Real Estate Agents and Brokerages.

  4. www.paybooks.in - Board member and Investor - All-in-One HR & Payroll Software for India.